
Sunday, February 14, 2010

My first completely local homecooked meal!

This is an exciting day folks- tonight, for Valentine's day, I am loving up the earth, and making my first-ever homemade dish-with all local/homemade ingredients:


1 c. seasoned bread crumbs
1 clove garlic
Scant tsp. salt
2 tsp. rosemary
Dash of pepper
1 egg
Pork chops

Mix all dry ingredients together. In separate dish, beat eggs. Add milk. Wash and drain pork chops. Dip chops in egg mixture, then in bread crumb mixture. Place in a well oiled baking pan. Cover with aluminum foil. Bake 1 1/2 hours at 375 degrees. When tender, remove foil and bake until lightly browned (about 15 minutes). Any left over bread crumb mixture can be refrigerated (in Tupperware type container).

Everything is local!
  • Pork chops from local farm in lower MI
  • Rosemary from plant in my house
  • bread crumbs from bread I made at home
  • egg from Karl Baer's farm
  • local garlic
Wooo! :)

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