
Monday, March 8, 2010

Transportation Envy

Mike and I went to Chicago this weekend, and we had a great time! We went with a couple we are friends with, and really had an ideal trip- got to see sights but didn't overwhelm ourselves with too many activities. If I had planned it, we would have been running around the city the whole day and we would have been exhausted! So I just sat back and went with the flow, which is rare for me, but I really enjoyed being spontaneous! Who knew!

Just FYI, I didn't really buy this :)

Anyway, I've been to Chicago several times, and each time I go, I just want to ride around on the 'L' the whole time! It's not as new as some of the other transportation systems, but it's efficient and fast, and it gets you where you need to go. I know that Ypsilanti is infinetley smaller than Chicago, but it's so nice to have a comprehensive public transportation system! The bus system here is pretty decent, but it doesn't run very late into the evening, and I wouldn't want to ride it very late into the evening either!

I can't wait for this: The Ann Arbor to Detroit Regional Rail project! October 2010!!! I don't know how much the fares will be or anything like that- but it would be awesome if there were some cheap fares to A2 or Detroit! Then instead of driving there, we could walk to the Ypsi Freighthouse and ride on in!!

Until then, I'll just have to look out to Chicago with transportation envy.

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