
Monday, April 12, 2010


Look what I came home to today:



We burned the 8pm oil a little bit, but we got it done by the light of the motion-sensor! It will probably rain tonight and then we'll have to put a bit more in. But we did end up with a bit extra- hopefully enough to fill the cinder blocks with so I can plant my Marigolds soon :) Mike was really helpful and patient, even through my uncontrollable impatience and perfectionism. So thank you, love.

I have some onion sets to plant and I need to go pick up the rest of my cold weather transplants this weekend! Woohoo!!

I little bit of progress can go a long way for your self-esteem :)

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I wish we could get a load of compost/dirt delivered to us (uh, for free anyway). =) Your bed looks great! Can't wait to see it overwhelmed with growing garden things.
