
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Indoor Seed Starting project!!!

So I have some exciting news folks- today I began to set up my seed starting station in the basement, the one I mentioned in an earlier post. A friend of mine had a bunch of seed starting stuff including the floresent light fixtures and bulbs and a lot of plant tray and plastic holders! :) I went to Lowe's (not as local as I would have liked, but I ran out on a spontaneous whim and I do own stock in Lowes!) and picked up:

  • 2 seed starting kits that included peat, and the plastic underneath containers, each holds 75 plantlings!
  • 8 lengths of 1.5' chain to hang up the fixtures
  • Some screw-in hooks to hang the fixtures from the shelves

See planting kit:

I ended up planting 36 spaces for lettuce and I tried a few pumpkins but we'll see- that's more of a Frankenstein-type project. Once I planted the seeds, I started on the task of hanging the light where I wanted it. I started with the top shelf, and installed the hooks where they needed to be. Once I did that, I simply hooked up the light fixture!

See here:

and here:

kinda creepy lookin' there.

So Yea!!!!!! I'm fairly excited about this ;)

My plan is to start the baby lettuces indoors and then move them out to the garden
(once I weed the hell out of it) once it's cooler again.
Then we can have lettuce through the early fall, I hope!

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