
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Soy Vay!- a quick and easy Chicken Stir-fry recipe

Why hello...

It's been a while, hasn't it? The past month (and a half-ish) has been quite busy, as I'm sure it has been for everyone; filled with holiday festivities, family adventures, and for me, a new job! The new job is GREAT! I am really enjoying getting to know my co-workers, meeting community partners and volunteers, and learning about all the awesome work we to do empower folks to grow their own food!

I've been getting back on track to meeting some of my personal sustainability goals including buying a lot from the winter Farmer's Markets that our organization manages, shopping at our local Food Co-op, and also putting up some of the local produce I buy. Since chicken stir-fry is a weekly classic dish around my house, I've sliced and blanched about 6 pints of carrots and green peppers, which should get us through another 12 weeks of stir-fry once a week. On that note, since this is one of the dishes I cook that frequently gets requested, I'll share. It's simple, healthy, & easy- three re-occurring themes of my (limited) cooking repertoire:

Arika's Chicken Stir-Fry

1 cup of Soy Vay's Very Very Teriyaki or Island Teriyaki
1 cup water
3 chicken breasts
1 cup sliced bell peppers (green, red or orange all work great!)
1 cup of diced carrots
1 small yellow onion, diced (or you can use green onions/scallions too)
2 teaspoons powered ginger
2 teaspoons powered curry (optional)

Start off by adding the Soy Vay and the water to a large fry pan. The water is important because a) it makes the dish more of a saucy one (rather than dry), and b) it thins out the Soy Vay so your dinner-eaters are not dying of a sodium overdose. If you don't have Soy Vay specifically, just combine some soy and teriyaki sauces, and then mince a few cloves garlic and add it as well. 

Put the stove heat on medium heat, and add in the carrots and peppers (unless you've blanched them before-hand, in which case they might not need to go in right away). 

After 5 minutes, add in the chicken breasts, onion, and spices. Cook for about 20 minutes on medium, or until chicken is cooked-through and tender. I try to have a batch of basmati rice going concurrently, so I can serve everything at the same time!

Again, it's pretty simple, there are few ingredients, and it is delicious! It might be a little high on sodium, but overall, Soy Vay products are all natural. The Island Teriyaki is the lower sodium of the two, if you're looking for lower-sodium options.

Enjoy! I know I will :)

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