
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

with an average of 1 post/week...

This is it, folks- my 100th post! 
 (that link takes you to one of my earliest posts- look at those freaking KITTENS. So, so cute. Unbearably cute, really.)

Thanks to everyone who's read and followed along the way- I appreciate you :) I wanted to be a bit more regular in my postings than I've managed so far- that's my goal from now on, to post weekly. If for no other reason, it's nice to have documentation of how the seasons change, plant progress throughout the months, and a place to post adorable pictures of my cats like the true crazy cat lady that I am.

I changed my blog background in honor of all the new, updated posting I'll be doing in the future, hopefully. Do you like it? I made that model of my house on Paint and it took like 3 hours. I am more proud of it than I probably should be.

I also have some exciting professional developments, related to gardening, food systems etc. This week has been Arika's Professional Development week, which has proved to be exciting but also kind of hectic; I have my first and second professional presentation at the 3rd annual  Local Food Summit and the 5th annual MOFFA conference, and a little blurb I wrote was published in Natural Awakenings magazine for Ann Arbor (check out pages 12-13)! This has made for an insanely busy week, but I thrive on pressure, as well as procrastination! Although I just noticed that the end of my Natural Awakenings article is pretty un-empowering, due to a typo.. "Growing Hope recognizes that getting involved with the food you eat by growing and purchasing local foods, cannot help make people become more involved in their food community."... So for the record, all 5 people that read this blog- I meant to say CAN! Funny how things turn out.

Exciting to be getting my name out there and doing things I love at the same time. I am a lucky, lucky person.

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