
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Dark Days Challenge Recipe: Homemade Sweet Potato Gnocchi

Holy crap, my friends! I want to testify that homemade gnocchi is dee-li-cious, and super easy to make. If you are asking yourself at this moment, "Great. What is gnocchi?", don't worry; I hadn't tried gnocchi until about 4 years ago, and it is an amazing food. It's essentially a little round potato-pasta-dumpling. What could you not love about that? For my Dark Days challenge this week, I borrowed a recipe from another participant, because these looked too good not to make. YOU are totally capable of making them, I promise. So without further ado;

Sweet Potato Gnocchi
2 large sweet potatoes
source: local farm, 50 mile radius
1 egg
source: local farm, 50 mile radius
1.5-2 cups whole wheat flour
source: Westwind Milling Co., 50 mile radius
1 tsp nutmeg
source: not local, but sustainable
1/2 tbsp salt
source: not local, but sustainable
  • Steam or bake the sweet potatoes until they can be easily cut through with a knife. 
  • Peel the sweet potatoes- they should be easily mushed once peeled
  • Mash sweet potatoes and let cool for 10 mins
  • Add the salt, nutmeg, and egg, and stir well
  • Now add 1.5 cups flour, mixing continuously
  • Knead into dough, add the extra flour as needed until dough does not stick to hands/counter
  • Get a pot of boiling water ready on the stove
  • Cut dough into quarters, and roll out each quarter into a long skinny log
  • Now cut the log into 1/2-3/4 inch pieces
  • Drop gnocchi into boiling water and cook for 3-4 minutes; until every piece is floating

Serve with your favorite marina, pesto, or brown sugar and butter and enjoy!

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