
Monday, February 27, 2012

Dark Days Challenge Week 10- Spinach & Feta Salad

This is so easy, I know. But if you can find local spinach at your Farmers' Market or Co-op, this is a super-quick, easy dinner that is just simple and delicious. It's been one of my favorite dishes to throw together at the end of a long day, and it has everything one could want- lots of greens, a little bit of cheese, some texture from the nuts and apples. Spinach should be available in a lot of northern places by now, and this is a great salad to feature it in!
Spinach & Feta Salad

3 cups fresh spinach
source: Ferris Farm, Dixboro, MI
1 2" block of Feta Cheese
source: Greystone Creamery, Chelsea MI
2 handfuls Dried cranberries
source: MI cranberries dried at Ypsi Food Co-op
3/4 cup walnuts
source: California :(
1 cup sliced Golden Delicious Apples
source: Wassem's Fruit Farm, Milan, MI

  • Chop up Spinach, dice apples, crush walnuts, crumble Feta cheese
  • Mix together in a large bowl, and add dried cranberries and dressing of your choice.
 Serve & Enjoy!

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