
Monday, March 19, 2012

Transplanting leeks, lettuce, and kale

It's so nice that I couldn't resist transplanting some of my little seedlings today! Planted some peas that will grow along the trellises. My parents and I visited each other in Bowling Green this weekend, and she brought up some leeks from her garden, as well as sugar snap peas and some red onion sets to plant. I set out most of the kale today, 6 plants, as well as l0 speckled lettuce plants. I separated the leeks out and planted them as well- I've never grown them so we'll see how it goes!

I've been planting things in the new bed, since it has the best soil. Next up on the seed starting list: Tomatoes, and direct seeding Carrots! Last week I started peppers, more onions, and globe basil. I ordered the seed potatoes as well, and some asparagus, and those will come in soon- can't believe its time to plant all these things already.

Have you planted anything in your garden yet?


  1. Haven't planted anything yet...I can't make myself get over the fact that the calendar says it's still mid-March! We're still two full months away from our normal last frost date!

  2. I know- it's pretty astounding! With the most important things (tomatoes, onions, etc, in my opinion) I am going to be really good and stick to the frost free date before i put them out- I'd hate to have a whole crop of things that I start from seed get killed off by frost!

  3. Right now I'm feeling pretty good about my decision to wait on planting!
