
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Business Alliance of Local Living Economies: Pre-Conference Check in

This week I am blogging from afar- not too far, just Grand Rapids, MI! I was lucky enough to be financially supported by my job to go to the national Business Alliance of Local Living Economies (BALLE , of which I am the Board VP! BALLE is a membership and support organization for Local First networks across the nation and continent- the whole point is to help local networks support their locally-owned, independently operated businesses thrive and flourish!

It's a perfect conference fit for a nonprofit food systems employee by day/ crazed locavore by night :) I hope to share more thoughts, ideas and updates throughout the week- I'll be blogging as well as tweeting and FB updating.  I'll keep the updates short and sweet but I know a lot of my readers are into local food and local economy and I want to share what I learn!

Thanks for tuning in!

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