
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What's Up Wednesday

Garlic Scapes! That funny little curly-cue is a garlic scape, my friends.  Hardneck garlic forms these little guys, and you can cut them off and eat them! They're delicious and they free up that spare energy to be used in garlic bulb production.

The potato plants are just going wild! I spent some time yesterday mounding up compost on them, as you're supposed to to as the plants grow. Soon I'll have new potatoes to enjoy :)
When I left yesterday morning, I had no peas. When I left for work this morning, I had peas! Yeah!!
I think potato flowers are pretty, don't you? I was so surprised the first year I grew potatoes- I never thought about what the potato plant looked like!

What's Up in your Garden this Wednesday?

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