
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

What's up Wednesday + exciting news!

Cukes are getting big now- harvesting 1-2 each day!

Sungold tomatoes are ripening up nicely

I planted several acorn squash a few weeks ago, and they've established well despite the heat

Today's pre-dinner snack harvest :)

Also, in exciting news:

My garden is being featured on Tour de Fresh this year, my work's annual tour of urban gardens and healthy food systems! One of the tour stops had to drop out 2 weeks ago, and a nice co-worker suggested that I could fill in! I'm pretty geeked out about it, and I've been working hard in the garden all week to pretend like I have a higher standard of garden maintenance than I truly do. Mike has been helping a lot too, and he might even get to be a tour guide once or twice. If you're in the Metro Detroit area and you'd like to check out some amazing Ypsi Gardens and Food stops on Saturday, here's the info.

What's up in your Garden this week?

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