
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What's Up Wednesday

My first Cherokee Purple tomatoes are ripe!

 Cucumbers! Now I have two plants producing- twice the harvests :)

First batch of coriander seed is dried and ready 
to be harvested and put on the spice rack

New fall seedlings are germinating nicely- 
swiss chard, onions, broccoli, pak choi, and more

 Yum :)
What's Up in your Garden this Week?

1 comment:

  1. My beans are gorgeous and big. I interplanted some nice green bush bean (Contender?) with Dragon's Tongue wax beans, three weeks later. Great germination for the latter, even wish old-ish seed. Good to remember for the future. Kale is up in a row that will be a pretty addition to the leafy beans.
