
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

back in the saddle again!

Wellll,my house got broken into, so that has delayed writing for some time. Basically all my electronics got stolen, so if you're reading this, house robbers, I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING OF VALUE LEFT TO STEAL.

That being said, since I still enjoy blogging, I wanted to get back into the swing of things- although now it is winter-ish in Ypsi! It's been harder to eat local because I am essentially a fruititarian (with a lot of pasta and cookies on the side), but the Downtown Ypsi Indoor Farmer's Market has been a big help- it's every two weeks now instead of every week but they have mouth-wateringly appealing selections of local veggies! I bought my "holiday" wreath from the FM, and the Pecan pie and rolls that I brought to Thanksgiving. So Thank You, farmers, for allowing me to bring delicious food to the holidays without cooking!

I applied for the Master Gardener training program put on by the MSU Extension office in A2... I would be so so so psyched to do that program! Here's a link:

While I don't have a lot of gardening experience, I am really excited about it and I think this program would give me the tools to share my passion for the earth and the enviornment with others, which is what I'd really like to do!

So cross your fingers for me, three people that read this blog :)

ALSO, I have decided to help start up a neighborhood watch group here, because I am tired of all these break-ins, and I want to feel safe and secure and confident when I walk around my neighborhood (and when I'm in my house!). There used to be a Neighborhood Watch group here but I guess it fizzled out. I am determined to re-fizzle it!

I also spent a good 6 hours measuring out my yard in the back to make a gardening plan for next year! I've set some goals and I think all in all, it will be pretty awesome. I will share more soon!

I think that is all for now..

keep safe out there folks.


  1. Oh I can't believe you got broken into soo sorry. On the other hand I'm excited about your taking the Master Gardener class something I should probably look into. It would be so interesting that's for sure.
    I can't thank you enough for all your information you gave me. I've already printed off the ordinance about the chickens in Ypsilanti and will have it for the council members (maybe I could have a copy for each member). Oh my goodness you were just so helpful. Thanks again. I'm going to keep the chicken man's number ready!

  2. Thanks again Arika -the council seemed like it would be the thing to do and they really liked having a copy of Ypsilant's chicken ordinance. I'll know more in the new year but it looks very hopeful.

  3. I saw your comment on my blog so I came on over to check you out. =) I've been catching up with your urban homesteading adventures, amazed at the similarities between us! Fixing up the house, canning, gardening - geez, even the burglary! Our house was broken into in September '08. I think and say the same thing to potential future burglars: we don't have anything of value left!
    But of course it's good to move on. I'm glad to hear you're starting up the neighborhood watch. I'd rather keep living in the city than move to some gated "secure" community - where I probably couldn't garden or keep chickens! =)
