
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

curtains curtains and curtains!

Sooo ever since we first saw our house (even before it was officially our house), I had big plans for it! I ran across a very similar living room to ours in Metropolitan Home magazine (was from a 2005 edition), and I have tried to replicate this look in our home, with a twist.

Here are the inspiration pics, with pics of house after each. What I liked about this room was the light, warmth, and color, plus the modern/natural vibe:


Our interpretation:



Our interpretation:

Anyway, my fireplace wall turned out a bit more pink than in the idea picture (Earthenware- FreshAire paint) and my other walls are more of a light brown then they are green like in the idea pic (mine are Aviary Nest- FreshAire paint), but I think I got the warmth that I wanted, definitely. Other difference is I have a window with three glass panes, and the idea pic window only has two, so I had to get three curtains which gives my room a different look. At any rate- I am proud of our hard work!

I spent a lot of today hanging up the curtains that I bought months ago from JC Penney that were waiting on curtain rods. Here's some curtain pics:


office part 2

If you can remember, the office used to look like this and this. I really liked the look of the plain window without curtains but it is *scuse my language* fucking cold in this house sometimes, especially in the office and the living room. I can deal with pulled-back curtains much better than I can deal with a $300 heating bill three months in a row.
Owning a home has been a lot of work so far! But it's nice when your home starts to look like you imagined it looking!

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