
Monday, March 1, 2010

2010 Goals check-up

Today I am inspired to reflect on how I am doing so far on my 2010 goals
(thanks Kathie @ Two Frog Home)!

  1. Finding a source for local meat/animal products  Achieved! Meat and eggs from Karl Baer
  2. Continuing to focus on eating seasonally and the methods that enable me to do that, like freezing, preserving, storing, and drying food. Official hard-core start date: April
  3. Cut down shopping at chain grocery stores, such as Kroger, Whole Foods, etc. In Progress
  4. My overall goal is for my average food consumption to look like this: In Progress

    • 15% home-grown

    • 75% Ypsilanti Food Co-op/Farmer's Market/CSA

    • 10% Restaurant
Since I've been reading The Backyard Homestead, I have a much better idea of what kind of specific layout I could have in my backyard for my food crops, and some more solid thoughts about how to put my ideas in to reality! In addition, here are some other Homesteading things I have been working on:
  • Making all of the bread we eat
  • using cloth towels instead of paper towels
  • using cloth napkins instead of paper napkins
On a seperate note, below is me in my favorite outfit, and I hope I get to wear it soon!!

Jeans + a hoodie + Birks= love!