
Friday, March 25, 2011

Good morning Baltimore!

All right, so we're in Ypsi, not Baltimore. But I woke up with tune in my head, after seeing the YHS production of Hairspray yesterday. It was pretty entertaining, and there were several great singers. The guy who played Mrs. Turnblad was just cracking me up the entire time. It was nice to see a high school play, I don't think I've seen one since I was in high school!

Yesterday was also Parent/Teacher Conference Night, which was pretty awesome, but also kind of sad. All of Sam's teachers say that she's so attentive and she turns most of her work in on time, and that she doesn't give up when she finds something difficult. Several said she one of several "bright rays of sunshine" in class that keep the teachers going. The sad part is not any of those things, the sad part is that trying at a moderately hard level and turning things in on time seems to be a huge accomplishment at YHS. I really admire the work of the teachers there, and I think it would be a hard job. From what I hear from Sam, there are disruptions from students all day during class, and I don't envy the folks who teach there. I think there are some students that just don't care, and also there's issues of homelessness, poverty, and other factors that makes for a stressful learning environment, I'm sure. I think that in turn makes it hard for some teachers to persevere and feel like they're making a difference.

At any rate, it was very very nice to hear that Sam is doing so well, and my heart swelled up with more pride than it already has, which is a lot! Sam came with us to conferences and I think it was nice for her to hear how proud her teachers were of her. She has really turned things around and although we've had a few little hiccups this year, she is a great student, a really intelligent and funny young lady, and a kind, thoughtful, awesome sister.

Tomorrow we're going to Explore Eastern, a college fair day at EMU, Mike and my Alma Mater! I'm overly excited to say the least- this will be her first college visit as someone who is potentially considering a college. I think there is a tour of the campus involved, and maybe we get to visit some classrooms? I will need to tape my mouth shut- I'm such a talker and I know I will not be able to stop myself from telling millions of stories if allowed to speak.

I am just so excited for her future, and I know whatever she does will be great. She has been a joy to have in our home, and I'm very lucky I've gotten this time with her.

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