
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Two posts in one day? Insanity!

Seed Starting Update:

Right now I have a whole basement (ok, slight exaggeration) full of little, amazing seedlings! Mike keeps insisting that it could be a great growing location for other, more alternative plants, but I'm looking to eat these future-plants, not smoke them! At any rate, I have onion and carrots that are doing quite well! You might be asking, "Who starts carrots indoors? Can you even actually start carrots indoors successfully?" The answers to those questions are "Me" and "Probably not", respectively. I don't know if the carrots will transplant, but they make me happy to see them each day when I go downstairs, so in my mind, they're already a success!

I'm also starting a lot of seeds for work- Growing Hope needs lots and lots of seedlings, to fill our hoophouse, our outside growing space, to donate to our raised bed install families and to sell at our annual Spring Plant Sale. For Growing Hope, I am starting two flats of tomatoes, as well as a flat of peppers, a flat of onions, and some miscellaneous other plants. Most are coming along quite well, and will be ready to be planted in the hoop in a month or so!

Seeing greenery indoors makes me so happy. It's a simple pleasure, but I like to watch things grow.


  1. Don't you just love this time of the year! We have lots of our little seedy friends (okay, that just sounds soo wrong) poking up and so many more getting ready. This will be our first year of major growing with over 90 varieties of veg and 20 herbs... gonna be a busy season ahead!

    Limey (in Limette's account!)

  2. Sounds awesome! Yes this is my first year seed starting on a larger scale as well and it's so fun! :)I find myself a little nervous though, hoping everything will do will indoors, transplant easily to outdoors, etc.
