
Monday, April 25, 2011

Boil 'em, mash 'em, cook 'em in a stew..

Guess what came in the mail yesterday?

My seed potatoes!!!

Check 'em out! They're from High Mowing seed company- I'm psyched to get them planted! Hope to get out there as soon as I get a clear day- this Michigan weather is getting crazy! Lots & lots of rain here.

It was hard to determine exactly how much to order, because really, how many potatoes is 2.5 lbs? Now I know it's about 12-14 potatoes, but ordering was equivalent to just throwing a guess out there!

Last week I started more tomato plants, & several varieties of zucchini. They won't go outside for a while still, but they'll get nice & strong indoors!

What have you started indoors? 
If you haven't braved indoor seed starting yet, what are you planning to plant first?

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