
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Link up with Happy Home!

Since I am utilizing this awesome (no seriously, I really like it) Dynamic view on Blogger, I can't add all the buttons and gadgets and widgets that I'd like to. Instead, I'll just do a good old fashioned shout-out:

If you'd like to follow me on twitter, "Like" my blog on facebook, or follow me on Pinterest, here are the links below to my various pages :) I post on fb and twitter each time I post a new blog entry, as well occasionally posting life musings, interesting articles & helpful links. On Pinterest, I have a variety of boards including some on Gardening Inspirations, Sustainable Living, Recipes, and Home Projects. I'm always looking for new buddies so if your blog has a twitter feed, fb page, etc. that you want to share, comment and let me know!

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