
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Dark Days Challenge Week 11- Soba Noodle Soup with winter veggies

Soba Noodle Soup with winter veggies
10oz buckwheat soba noodles
source: Eden Foods, Clinton MI
1 cup fresh spinach
source: Growing Hope Urban Farm, Ypsi MI
1 cup Pacific Natural organic vegetable broth
source: (purchased from Co-op) Oregon, USA
1 large carrots, diced
source: my garden- storage from root cellar
2 small onions
source: Carpenter's Farm, Ann Arbor,  MI
1 garlic clove, minced
source: my garden

  • Add vegetable broth to a small pot
  • Drop chopped carrots, onions, and garlic into the pot
  • Bring mixture to a boil
  • Add the soba noodles, and reduce heat to simmer
  • Let soup simmer for 12-14 minutes, until noodles are tender
  • Lastly, chop spinach into bite-sized pieces and add to soup
  • Season as desired- I add pepper and nanami togarashi (japanese mixed chili peppers)
Serve and Enjoy!

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