
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tuesday Takehome- My Haul from the Market & What I'm Making!

Today was the first day of our Farmers' Market season here in Ypsilanti!! We have two great markets, the Downtown Ypsilanti Farmers' Market and the Depot Town Farmers' Market. My workplace runs the Downtown Mkt, so I was there early today helping to set up, getting things ready, and catching up with vendors after a winter "off".

It's an unbelieveably nice priviledge to live so close to a farmers' market. All kinds of people come down to shop, chat, and support local food. I always see at least 15 different people I know- owners of businesses downtown, work colleagues, fellow alumni from the local college, neighbors, and more. While I am really thankful for our local food co-operative and I am a proud member, there is something to be said for interacting directly with the farmers that grow your food- that just can't be replicated. 

Another reason I was at the Farmers' Market was to pick up my CSA share! As previously mentioned, a CSA is a Community Supported Agriculture membership that you buy into for the season. I chose to go with a nearby farm called Bridgewater Barns, run by Janet and Tony. My co-worker and I are splitting a Half Share- that way we can still go around to each vendor every week and buy a little something: I really feel like that's important.
Our Half Share today included:
1 bag Spinach
1 bunch Radishes
1 large bunch of Kale
6 Rhubarb stalks
1 small bag of Basil
1 small bag of Pea shoots
1 small bunch of Sorrell
1 bunch of wild Green onins
2 stalks green Garlic
2 stalks Lovage

I also picked up:
2 lbs ground beef
mini shallots
more amazing rhubarb

I'll openly admit that I don't even know how to cook or make a dish with half of those things! Luckily, we recevied a generous amount, but since we split a half share, I don't have a TON of anything that's new to me. Sorrel? Lovage? Pea shoots? No clue, folks. But my mission this week is to find a dish to include each of them. As I experiment, I'll share the successes (& the failures) that I have, through a new feature on my blog, Tuesday Takehome- My Haul from the Market & What I'm Making! If I've never had Sorrel I'm assuming there have to be a handful of folks out there who are eager for an idea of how to use it- I know I am!
Tune in on Tuesdays for ideas on all these new veggies I come across and how to prepare them :)

In the mean time, if you have any amazing recipes, out with them!

1 comment:

  1. Have you used AllRecipies' ingredient search? (Over here.) I use it all the time for ideas after bringing home weird things from the market here, or if I just have a random assortment of things I need to use before they go bad.
